
Thank you for your generous donation. We are dedicated to increasing the number of Christian schools and to growing more biblical worldview students.

FAQ About Your Donations

Ways to Give

We accept donations either by check or credit card. When you fill out the form and choose your method of giving, specific details of where to send your check and/or where to input your credit card details will be provided.

Types of Pledge

You can choose to give a one-time gift or to sign-up for a recurring monthly donation. If you choose the recurring monthly donation and select credit card as your prefered funding method, the amount you have chosen will automatically be charged to your card every month. 

Because the Lord supplies us with resources for our ministry through individual and corporate contributions, we recognize our accountability both to Him and to our donors. We have a responsibility to be faithful stewards and to maintain integrity and openness in our financial practices.

Read Full Statement

Donation Form (#3)
$25.00 for each month
$50.00 for each month
$100.00 for each month
$500.00 for each month
$0.00 for each month

To ensure that your donation is tax deductible, please make your checks out to Good Soil Good Seed Foundation

Please send your check to:

Good Soil Good Seed Foundation
c/o Illinois Family Institute
Post Office Box 133
South Holland, IL 60473
Please click on the Donation Button below to submit this form. This will help us keep your information and donation amount within our data base. Thank you!
*All donations are tax deductible.

Matthew 13:18-19

Listen then to what the parable of the Sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart.